Today, the Forbidden Delights anthology, with my story A Drink for the Bride, is available in paperback, e-book, and even hardcover! I am so proud of this story - I had been in a writing slump and A Drink for the Bride was such fun to write. I’m eager for my readers to know that my writing typically takes a much darker tone and this is a fantastic introduction. So thank you to everyone who made this anthology a reality - thank you to my fellow authors who wrote decadent stories I want to feast upon again and again, and thank you especially to Brandi Gann who was the mastermind curator behind it all. (It’s not an easy job, but that woman can do ANYTHING!). And thank you to all potential readers! I hope this anthology is leaves you full.
If you do happen to indulge in these stories, please do us creators a favor and leave a review on Amazon and / or Goodreads. It helps us so much!
Here is the official Amazon link: