The title is a bit chaotic, I know.
I mention fairytales, poetry, AND an anthology? Three things that usually don't have anything to do with one another. But with what I'm about to announce, it'll marry the three into something you didn't know you needed.
You see, I was invited to be a part of ANOTHER anthology!
And what's more is that this isn't even prose we're talking about --- it's POETRY!
And not just any poetry, either. But fairytale poetry.
When I was first invited, I squealed at all the visions of fairytales I wanted to capture. Then, the impostor syndrome set in yet again, and I realized I haven't written poetry, really, since I was an angsty teen. (And then some in college). Was I capable of producing not just one poem, but several?
Over the summer, I took something of a vacation from prose and focused upon poetry again for the first time in more than a decade. I was surprised at how effortlessly the stanzas started pouring upon the page. I was even more surprised when a few of them adopted a rhyme scheme! (Always my tragic flaw... I will die by rhymes, I swear it a thousand times).
It's been so much fun to write these fairytale poems about some of my most beloved characters and themes, and with such reward! Through it, I've recalled how important poetry is to me. What a sharp dagger it is, able to draw blood with such small marks. I'm reminded of how powerful a few small lines can be --- how powerful words are, in and of themselves.
So, thank you to the publisher and editor who are making this happen!
So far, the release date is looking like it'll be in the winter, and the cover is soon to be revealed publicly. All I can share now is the title, which was revealed just today!
Are you ready?
fairy tale poems of longing and ferocity
Stay tuned for a cover reveal and release date details. And in another post I plan to share which fairytales I chose to write about and why. You likely have heard of most of them, but I've tried to be obscure with others and choose some not everyone knows, or at least, haven't spent enough time thinking about.
Do you have a favorite fairy tale? Let me know in the comments!